Thursday, November 28, 2019

Investigation Of Pit Size Versus Larval Size In An Antlion Essays

Investigation Of Pit Size Versus Larval Size In An Antlion Senior Seminar 20 April 2001 Abstract The purpose of this study was to test whether there was a relationship between the size of an antlion and the size of its pit. Fieldwork was undertaken at UT's Brackenridge Field Laboratory in Austin, Texas. There we selected two aggregations of larval antlions from which to obtain the data. Pit diameter and slope were measured to obtain the pit volume. After pits were measured, larvae were collected and weighted in the lab with an analytical balance. Regressions of larval weight versus pit diameter, slope, and pit volume were obtained. All three variables showed significant coefficients of determination (R-squared * 0.7). These results are then compared to previous studies that found weaker relationships between larval size and pit size. Possible reasons for these differences are discussed. Introduction The antlion got its name from early European scholars who likened the insect to, a small creature, extremely hostile to ants. Antlion larvae are carnivorous predators that feed mainly on small mobile arthropods such as ants, as well as the occasional spider, beetle, fly, caterpillar, wasp, and mite that falls into its pit. Our research was conducted on the species Myrmeleon crudalis, which is from the order Neuoptera. This species lives preferably in sheltered, sandy regions and builds shallow, cone-shaped pits in the surrounding substrate. The larvae use these pits to capture their prey. The insect falls into the pit and is unable to climb up the loose sand on the sides of the pit. The antlion lies buried at the bottom of the pit and catches its prey with its strong, piercing mandibles. The larvae secrete digestive enzymes through the mandibular groove into the prey item. After the antlion sucks out the soft tissues of the prey, the exterior shell is discarded by actively pushing it out of the pit. Although M. crudalis is a pit-building species, not all antlion species build pits. Some species hide under debris, gravel, or wood and wait for prey to pass by in close enough range for capture. The lifecycle of the antlion involves many stages. Adults lay sticky eggs on sandy soil and the eggs become coated with fine layer of dust for camouflage. Larvae hatch from the eggs after few weeks and then undergo three instar stages before pupating. Larvae may even live several years before pupating - lack of food can lead to longer life-span whereas if there is abundant food supply, the larvae may mature much more quickly. The larvae pupate in the soil in a cocoon of sand and silky fibers. After approximately one month of pupating, the adults emerge from the cocoons. Adult antlions closely resemble dragonflies and damselflies, however, unlike the latter two, adult antlions are very weak flyers. During the day, the adults lie perched on camouflaging branches and are only really active in the evenings. The adults can reach approximately 4 centimeters in length, and they can have a wingspan of 8 centimeters.1 The life span of the adult antlion is approximately one month. The one month time span is just enough time for the adults to reproduce and begin the life cycle again. There are approximately 2000 different antlion species distributed throughout the world, however, antlions are mainly found in the warmer climates of Southern Africa, Australia, and the southern United States. The most common species are M. obsoletus in North America, and M. formicarius in Europe. M. carolinus is the most common species found in Florida and other southern states of America. Antlion larvae from the species we studied built conical shaped pits in the surrounding sandy substrate. Larvae build their pits in four steps. First, the larvae move in what appears to be very random, undirected movements just under surface of the soil. Possibly these movements serve to loosen the substrate or test the site for gravel obstructions. The antlion then proceeds to establish the circular boundaries and diameter of its pit. In the next step, the antlion spirals downward to deepen the pit. The antlion moves backward while displaces the sand by scooping it up with its head and mandibles and actively throwing it out of the developing pit. Finally, once the diameter

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